Vibrant Beauty Brightening Strawberry (Scrub-Wash-Mask 3 in 1)

Vibrant Beauty Brightening Strawberry (Scrub-Wash-Mask 3 in 1)


Vibrant Beauty Brightening Strawberry (Scrub-Wash-Mask 3 in 1) If you want to give your pores all the delicious benefits of these berries. Strawberries holds great source of vitamin C, alpha-hydroxyl acid and ellagic which are useful for acne treatment, protection from UV radiation, prevents collagen destruction & wrinkle formation as it penetrates deep into the pores and cleans them.


Strawberries are filled with an abundance of nutrients that can benefit your complexion. They are very anti-inflammatory for skin, These extracts are highly effective. Its alpha hydroxyl acids have excellent exfoliating ability.


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